
Am 14.02.2019 um 09:44 schrieb Mandy Neumann:
> Hi,
> yes I already read elsewhere that TextRuler is not actively
> maintained. Which is a pity because it has the potential to be a
> really cool tool! We really need something like that in our project.

I could talk for hours about black-box vs white-box machine learning vs
manual rule engineering also concerning the maintanance of the annotator
and developement cycles...

Afterall, it's a question of priorities where the available time will be
spent and even if TextRuler is cool, it was always at the bottom of my
priority list for several years.

> Thanks for pointing me to the error log, I eventually found the
> problem in a NullPointerException - Ruta was not able to find the
> script Base.ruta I had imported in Features.ruta (I wanted to mirror
> the example project as closely as possible). Although both reside in
> the same package, it was not clear to me that I still have to use the
> fully qualified name to import.

Glad to hear that you found the problem.

> By the way, in case anybody wants to pick up maintaining TextRuler
> again, I would suggest to improve a bit on error handling here.

You can also help :-)

Just by creating a bug report in our Jira, you will put it on my todo
list. Also if I do not find the time to fix it, maybe others will.




> Cheers,
> Mandy
> Am 12.02.19 um 16:48 schrieb Peter Klügl:
>> Hi,
>> I haven't used TextRuler for years and therefore I cannot tell right
>> away what the issue could be. I also have to mention that the view and
>> its algorithms are not actively maintained.
>> Is there a message in the Error Log of Eclipse?
>> Can you provide a minimal exmaple for reproducing the problem?
>> Best,
>> Peter
>> Am 11.02.2019 um 17:22 schrieb Mandy Neumann:
>>> Hi,
>>> after fixing my initial problems with the CAS views, I now want to
>>> proceed to my main task. I want to apply TextRuler to learn a set of
>>> rules instead of writing them manually.
>>> Unfortunately, I can't get TextRuler to work in my project. The
>>> example project works, but when I start the process on my project, the
>>> view displays "Preprocessing... Loading XMI file (input): <file>" and
>>> does nothing more. I also cannot stop, pressing the stop button has no
>>> effect, I need to restart the workbench to be able to change TextRuler
>>> settings.
>>> I'm not sure if my workflow is even right. The first step is to
>>> convert html input into XMIs with the html tags as annotations. In
>>> order to create the training data, I figured I need to include the
>>> target type system already at this step. I then used the
>>> "Annotate/Quick Annotate" options in the CAS viewer to create the gold
>>> standard annotations.
>>> I also created two Ruta scripts to be used by TextRuler. Base.ruta
>>> basically just declares the target type system. Features.ruta creates
>>> some basic annotations that should be used by TextRuler to infer rules.
>>> Anybody an idea why my workflow won't work?
>>> Cheers,
>>> Mandy
Dr. Peter Klügl
R&D Text Mining/Machine Learning

Averbis GmbH
Tennenbacher Str. 11
79106 Freiburg

Fon: +49 761 708 394 0
Fax: +49 761 708 394 10
Email: peter.klu...@averbis.com
Web: https://averbis.com

Headquarters: Freiburg im Breisgau
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