
yes, you need to activate the configuration parameter profile and
statistics, together with debug and maybe debugWithMatches. How to do
that depends on how you execute your Ruta script.

If you integrate the Ruta script directly in an UIMA pipeline, then you
need to set 3-5 configuration parameters.

If you launch directly the script in the Ruta Workbench, then you can
simply choose "debug" instead of "run". The analysis engine will be
automatically configured.

The collected information are normally available in two views of the
Ruta Workbench. Open the CAS file with the CAS Editor and switch to the
Explain perspective. In the applied rules view, there is additional
information about the absolute and relative time for each script and
each rule. For the statistics, there is a separate view called statistics.

Using CONFIGURE within a script for additional script won't do the trick
and self-configuring is not supported as it causes the SO.



(sorry that it took me so long to answer)

Am 18.07.2019 um 13:34 schrieb Nikolai Krot:
> Hi,
> I would like to measure the speed of running Ruta scripts. I do not know
> this can be done but found some configurations parameters in uima ruta
> manual, namely, *profile* and *statistics*, described around this section
> https://uima.apache.org/d/ruta-current/tools.ruta.book.html#ugr.tools.ruta.ae.basic.parameter.profile
> So, I configure it in the ruta script. For example, the script is named
> Main.ruta. In the Main.ruta, I write
>     // in Main.ruta file
>     ENGINE uima.ruta.mystuff.OtherEngine;
>     CONFIGURE(uima.ruta.mystuff.OtherEngine, "profile"=true,
> "statistics"=true);
> And i run the script on some file. Now question one: where can I see info
> generated by the above configuration options? Are they somehow displayed in
> Annotation Browser View? Are they in generated xmi file? Are they in the
> cas object?
> My 2nd queston is how to set the same options to the script being run. If I
> add the following lines to the script Main.ruta, I end up with stack
> overflow (my guess, caused by recursion):
>   // in Main.ruta file
>   ENGINE uima.ruta.mystuff.Main;
>   CONFIGURE(uima.ruta.mystuff.MainEngine, "profile"=true,
> "statistics"=true);
> My main question is how to measure speed is how to measure speed of running
> ruta script. Im my setup, i have one Main.ruta that imports several other
> scripts and runs them, I want to measure time of all individual scripts and
> Main.ruta. COuld you advice on how to do it or point me to the
> documentation where it is described?
> Thanks in advance,
> Nikolai
Dr. Peter Klügl
R&D Text Mining/Machine Learning

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