Hi Richard,

I am calling the pipeline from the same box as the pipeline. They both have 
apache-ctakes- I am using UIMA AS packaged with UIMA DUCC. This 
error occurs when I am calling the pipeline on the caller. Is the problem still 
the same?


Chuong Ngo

-----Original Message-----
From: Richard Eckart de Castilho <r...@apache.org> 
Sent: Friday, October 8, 2021 1:06 AM
To: user@uima.apache.org
Subject: Re: Error calling UIMA-AS endpoint

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> On 8. Oct 2021, at 01:11, Ngo, Chuong X <chuong.x....@questdiagnostics.com> 
> wrote:
> I'm trying to call an endpoint that I deployed using UIMA AS. I am getting 
> the following error message:
> Feature "typeID" is not defined for type 
> "org.apache.ctakes.typesystem.type.textsem.IdentifiedAnnotation"
> What exactly is the error message referring to? I am using uimaFit.

If that is a message generated on the remote side, then it would seem that the 
remote side has an incomplete/outdated information about the type system.

I can see that in the cTAKES type system, the type has the feature.

          <description>The type of named entity (e.g. drug, disorder, 

Maybe you are using different versions of cTAKES on the local/remote sides?


-- Richard

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