On 4. Aug 2022, at 22:09, Kameron Cole <kameronc...@us.ibm.com> wrote:
>  Missing requirement: UIMA Runtime 3.3.0 
> (org.apache.uima.runtime.feature.group 3.3.0) requires 
> 'org.eclipse.m2e.maven.runtime.slf4j.simple 0.0.0' but it could not be found

I am not familiar with IBM tooling, but for a normal Eclipse, I would recommend
that you ensure that you have use a recent version, have the Eclipse update site
configured for that version so that it can download updates and dependencies, 
and that in the install dialog you have the option to contact all update sites

That said - it would seem that the runtime feature may have picked up a wrong
dependency - this should probably be a dependency on org.slf4j.api and not on
the bundle you pointed out. Needs to be investigated.

Could you please file a bug report?



-- Richard

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