
On 3/21/24 15:31, Robert Turner wrote:
We receive the sessionWillPassivate and sessionDidActivate callbacks
on startup. Odd that you are not. That's how we achieve the same.
On 3/21/24 16:21, Robert Turner wrote:
Just to add a bit more information, our handler class, for better or for
worse, implements the following interfaces all in one class:

  implements HttpSessionBindingListener, HttpSessionActivationListener,
HttpSessionIdListener, HttpSessionListener, ServletContextListener


I'm already using HttpSessionListener and HttpSessionActivationListener and logging every event I receive.

HttpSessionIdListener only lets you know when ids are changed, and I actually don't care about those events. I added it, and see no change in behavior.

HttpSessionBindingListener shouldn't do anything, here, as it will only be called when objects are added or removed (and it only *that object*). During activation and passivation, I wouldn't expect anything to be added or removed.

ServletContextListener wouldn't do anything in and of itself, except possibly get the listener started earlier. I added it and do not see any change in behavior.

We also use that same class as our "session model" object that we bind as
an attribute to the session itself (it's a bit of a mixed bag historically
that I want to clean up).

And in terms of registration, we do not have any annotations on the class,
instead we register it in web.xml (in the application WAR file) using a
standard listener entry:

     <listener-class><<class name>></listener-class>

Our web.xml is set at Servlet API version 3.0 (kind-of old), and we are
running against Tomcat 9.5 (and this worked on 8.5 and before as well).

Not sure if that adds anything Chris that you haven't already looked at.

I believe mine is set up identically to yours at this point, except for the HttpSessionBindingListener.

I would really prefer a way to query the sessions from the app, but as we
know, that's not part of the current Servlet specification, or any
extensions Tomcat currently provides.

It wouldn't really be appropriate for Tomcat to provide any "extensions" like this because it would make applications reliant on capabilities that aren't standard. When companies do that, it's called "vendor lock-in" and it's not a good look for ASF.


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