Same difficulty here. The way it worked was defining the truststore
globally. Just after that I defined the ldap configuration inside a domain.

Using API:

cmk -p user@myprofile update configuration name='ldap.truststore'
cmk -p user@myprofile update configuration name='ldap.truststore.password'
cmk -p user@myprofile add ldapconfiguration hostname=ldapserver.mydomain
port=636 domainid="domain uuid here"
cmk -p user@myprofile update configuration name='ldap.basedn'
value='...............' domainid="domain uuid here"

Realize that API accepts configure the ldap.truststore for one domain, but
this has no effect.

cmk -p user@myprofile update configuration name='ldap.truststore'
value='/etc/cloudstack/management/cloud.jks' domainid="domain uuid here"

When I configured ldap.truststore in one domain, the connection didn't use


On 2021/06/07 20:56:18 Yordan Kostov wrote:
> Dear community,
>                 Currently trying to reconfigure working ACS LDAP
authentication to LDAPs but I believe something of importance may be
missing in the guide (
>                 It says that if ldap.truststore and
ldap.truststore.password are configured it will switch working to LDAPS but
that is not the case.
>                 The logs confirm LDAP protocol is used when adding host
after updating the config  - "(logid:aafbef8a) initializing ldap with
provider url: ldap://X.X.X.X:636";
> Here are a few questions to round the issue:
>   *   API docs (LDAPCONFIG -
mention the ability to enable SSL and bind certificate for an ldap host but
there is no option to define the domain for the specific ldap configuration.
>   *   What if multiple domains are present and their configs use the same
ldap server. Can the SSL of one domain ldap config be changed one at a time
or is this based on ldap host level
>   *   ldap.truststore - is syntax something like /opt/CAROOT.crt going to
work or it originates from a default directory?
>   *   ldap.truststore.password - what if the certificate is without
password, is it going to work?
> Any example commands on how this can be done through cloudmonkey will be
much appreciated!
> Best regards,
> Jordan

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