Just to confirm the incompatibility. When Zone was enabled, the CS manager
started to try to launch some system VMs like s-NNNN-VM and v-NNNN-VM. At
hypervisors, all attempts were failing because the libvirtd didn't accept a
vnc_password bigger than 8 chars.

libvirtd[44140]: unsupported configuration: VNC password is 22 characters
long, only 8 permitted

Then, I changed the vnc_passwords directly in the database.

In manager, generate the string for password 12345678:

java -cp /usr/share/cloudstack-common/lib/jasypt-1.9.3.jar
org.jasypt.intf.cli.JasyptPBEStringEncryptionCLI input="12345678"


In database, update to new value:
update vm_instance set vnc_password = "ohM+JhNfT0xFJC3HtveMGTI5CJCjkcN5="
where name like "s-%" or name like "v-%";

After that, using an 8 chars password, all system VMs started fine!

In https://qemu-project.gitlab.io/qemu/system/vnc-security.html we can see:

*The VNC protocol has limited support for password based authentication.
Since the protocol limits passwords to 8 characters it should not be
considered to provide high security.*

Before my tests with Libvirt 8 I was using Libvirt 6 with Ubuntu 20.04. It
looks like Libvirt 6 just drops what is after 8 chars in passwords. So,
sending a bigger password does not increase the security because the
protocol has the limitation, right?

In Libvirt 8 some modification is generating a Warning/Error. This shows
something about that modification:


That warning/error is causing System VMs to not start! So, to use Libvirt 8
with CloudStack I think vnc_password length needs to be 8 in some way
because Libvirt 8 is not dropping anymore what is bigger than that.


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