Hi! I'm trying to migrate a volume from a storage pool to another. I've
made it for some instance volumes with sizes up to 300GB. Now I have to
migrate an instance volume with 3.8 TB and I'm getting:

At the GUI popup:

Migrating volume failed

Resource [StoragePool:24] is unreachable: Volume
migration failed due to [com.cloud.utils.exception.CloudRuntimeException:
Failed to copy
to 715a08b9-074b-4261-bea5-2670a86f95e7.qcow2].

At management.log

2024-04-08 17:00:21,255 ERROR [c.c.a.ApiAsyncJobDispatcher]
(API-Job-Executor-37:ctx-4bd39cf3 job-16314) (logid:6bdc565e) Une
xpected exception while executing
com.cloud.utils.exception.CloudRuntimeException: Resource [StoragePool:24]
is unreachable: Volume [{"name":"ROOT-3373","uuid"
:"512f9beb-1ab1-442b-a058-3cb329f43319"}] migration failed due to
[com.cloud.utils.exception.CloudRuntimeException: Failed to
to f4f94229-1bc1-4dc8-b1e5-5beb96c4e55a.

        at java.base/java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:829)
2024-04-08 17:00:21,264 DEBUG [o.a.c.f.j.i.AsyncJobManagerImpl]
(API-Job-Executor-37:ctx-4bd39cf3 job-16314) (logid:6bdc565e)
Complete async job-16314, jobStatus: FAILED, resultCode: 530, result:
ull/{"uuidList":[],"errorcode":"530","errortext":"Resource [StoragePool:24]
is unreachable: Volume [{"name":"ROOT-3373","uuid
":"512f9beb-1ab1-442b-a058-3cb329f43319"}] migration failed due to
[com.cloud.utils.exception.CloudRuntimeException: Failed t
o copy
to f4f94229-1bc1-4dc8-b1e5-5beb96c4e55a

CS version
The instance is stopped.
First storage pool is cluster scoped and the destination storage pool is
zone scoped.
I'm trying to do that via GUI, selecting the destination storage pool (a
new one, with all space free).
I'm checking the option "Replace disk offering" and select the new one.
I've changed the option "Kvm storage offline migration wait" to 86400.

It looks like a timeout problem. Is there some other option I've to
customize? As said, for smaller volumes it worked.

Thank you so much!

Jorge Luiz Corrêa
Embrapa Agricultura Digital

echo "CkpvcmdlIEx1aXogQ29ycmVhCkFu
JyCgo="|base64 -d

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This message from 
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