
This is a continuation of the email below(I did not subscrib this maillist)


>>From the above, I suspect that the node with the network loss was the
>DC, and from its point of view, it was the other node that went away.

Yes. the node with the network loss was DC(node2)

Could someone explain what's the following messges means, and 
why pacemakerd process exit instead of rejoin to CPG group?

> Aug 27 12:33:59 [46849] node3 pacemakerd:    error: pcmk_cpg_membership:
>        We're not part of CPG group 'pacemakerd' anymore!

>> [root at node3 ~]# rpm -q corosync
>> corosync-1.4.1-7.el6.x86_64
>That is quite old ...
>> [root at node3 ~]# cat /etc/redhat-release 
>> CentOS release 6.3 (Final)
>> [root at node3 ~]# pacemakerd -F
> Pacemaker 1.1.14-1.el6 (Build: 70404b0)
>and I doubt that many people have tested Pacemaker 1.1.14 against
>corosync 1.4.1 ... quite far away from
>each other release-wise ...

pacemaker 1.1.14 + corosync-1.4.7 can also reproduced this probleam, but seems 
with lower probability.
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