neeraj ch napsal(a):
Hello ,

We are testing out corosync and pacemaker for DB high availability on the
cloud. I was able to set up a cluster with in a DC using corosync 1.4 and
pacemaker 1.12. It works great and I wanted to try a cross DC cluster. I
was using unicast as multicast was disabled by default.

I was not sure how Corosync behaves with public IP's but I still went ahead
and tried it with both public IP's as well as DNS names. These DNS names
resolve as local IP when the other node is with in the same subnet.

Every node has to be able to see every other node. So mixing of public and private ips is not going to work (with exception of special case where all private ips are in the same network). Also keep in mind config file has to be same on all nodes.

while I was using public IP's both the node inside the same subnet as well
as outside were unable to connect, except for itself. While using DNS names
the membership information showed the nodes within same subnet being
connected to while the nodes outside were not connected

This is somehow expected.

My corosync config is as follows.

totem {
       version: 2
       secauth: off
       threads: 0
       interface {

                member {
                   memberaddr: <public ip>
               member {
                   memberaddr: <public ip>
                member {
                   memberaddr: <public ip>
                ringnumber: 0
                mcastport: 5405
                ttl: 1
       transport: udpu

logging {
       fileline: off
       to_stderr: no
       to_logfile: yes
       to_syslog: yes
       logfile: /var/log/cluster/corosync.log
       debug: on
       timestamp: on
       logger_subsys {
                subsys: AMF
                debug: on

service {
         # Load the Pacemaker Cluster Resource Manager
         name: pacemaker
         ver: 1

amf {
       mode: disabled

I am checking membership information by using corosync-objctl. I have also
tried using public ip as the bind address , that makes the membership from

Just to make sure. This "public" ip is really ip of given machine?

1 to 0 as it doesn't add itself.

If any one has any suggestion / advice on how to debug or what I am doing
wrong . Any help would be very appreciated.

Thank you

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