On 12/20/2016 12:21 AM, Rodrick Brown wrote:
> I'm fairly new to Pacemaker and have a few questions about 
> The following log event and why resources was removed from my cluster 
> Right before the resources being killed SIGTERM I notice the following
> message. 
> Dec 18 19:18:18 clusternode38.mf stonith-ng[10739]:   notice: On loss of
> CCM Quorum: Ignore

The "notice:" part is the severity of the message -- "error:" or
"warning:" is bad, but anything else is purely informational.

In this case, this message indicates that you have
no-quorum-policy=ignore configured. It will be printed every time one of
the pacemaker daemons or tools reads your configuration, and has nothing
to do with your resource problem.

> What exactly does this mean my resources recovered after a few minutes
> and did not fail over any idea what's going on here? 

You'd need to look at a much larger chunk of the logs, typically on more
than one node. The cluster will elect one node to be the "Designated
Controller" (DC), and that node's logs will have essential information
about the decision-making process.

> or documentation I can read that explains what exactly happened? 
> -- 
> *Rodrick Brown */ *Site Reliability Engineer 
> *(917) 445 - 6839 / *rbr...@marketfactory.com
> <mailto:rbr...@marketfactory.com>
> **425 Broadway #3, New York, NY 10013*

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