On 20/03/17 12:22 PM, Alexander Markov wrote:
> Hello guys,
> it looks like I miss something obvious, but I just don't get what has
> happened.
> I've got a number of stonith-enabled clusters within my big POWER boxes.
> My stonith devices are two HMC (hardware management consoles) - separate
> servers from IBM that can reboot separate LPARs (logical partitions)
> within POWER boxes - one per every datacenter.
> So my definition for stonith devices was pretty straightforward:
> primitive st_dc2_hmc stonith:ibmhmc \
> params ipaddr=
> primitive st_dc1_hmc stonith:ibmhmc \
> params ipaddr=
> clone cl_st_dc2_hmc st_dc2_hmc
> clone cl_st_dc1_hmc st_dc1_hmc
> Everything was ok when we tested failover. But today upon power outage
> we lost one DC completely. Shortly after that cluster just literally
> hanged itself upong trying to reboot nonexistent node. No failover
> occured. Nonexistent node was marked OFFLINE UNCLEAN and resources were
> marked "Started UNCLEAN" on nonexistent node.
> UNCLEAN seems to flag a problems with stonith configuration. So my
> question is: how to avoid such behaviour?
> Thank you!

Please share your config along with the logs from the nodes that were



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