On 16/06/17 11:07 AM, Eric Robinson wrote:
>> Step over to the *bsd side. They have cookies. Also zfs.
>> And no lennartware, that alone's worth $700/year.
>> Dima
> I left BSD for Linux back in 2000 or so. I have often been wistful for those 
> days. ;-)
> --Eric

Jokes (?) aside; Red Hat and SUSE both have paid teams that make sure
the HA software works well. So if you're new to HA, I strongly recommend
sticking with one of those two, and SUSE is what you mentioned. If you
really want to go to BSD or something else, I would recommend learning
HA on SUSE/RHEL and then, after you know what config works for you,
migrate to the target OS. That way you have only one set of variables at
a time.

Also, use fencing. Seriously, just do it.

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