ClusterLabs announces the release of version 1.1.18 of the Pacemaker
cluster resource manager. The source code is available at:

This is expected to be the last actively developed release in the 1.1
line. Development will now begin on Pacemaker 2.0.0.

The most significant new features in 1.1.18 are:

* Warnings will be logged when legacy configuration syntax planned to
be removed in 2.0.0 is used.

* Bundles are no longer considered experimental. They support all
constraint types, and they now support rkt as well as Docker
containers. Many bug fixes and enhancements have been made.
* Alerts may now be filtered so that alert agents are called only for
desired alert types, and (as an experimental feature) it is now
possible to receive alerts for transient node attribute changes.

* Status output (from crm_mon, pengine logs, and a new crm_resource --
why option) now has more details about why resources are in a certain

As usual, to support the new features, the CRM feature set has been
incremented. This means that mixed-version clusters are supported only
during a rolling upgrade -- nodes with an older version will not be
allowed to rejoin once they shut down.

For a more detailed list of bug fixes and other changes, see the change

Everyone is encouraged to download, compile and test the new release.
Your feedback is important and appreciated.

Many thanks to all contributors of source code to this release,
including Andrew Beekhof, Aravind Kumar, Artur Novik, Bin Liu, Ferenc
Wágner, Helmut Grohne, Hideo Yamauchi, Igor Tsiglyar, Jan
Pokorný, Kazunori INOUE, Keisuke MORI, Ken Gaillot, Klaus Wenninger,
Nye Liu, Tomer Azran, Valentin Vidic, and Yan Gao.
Ken Gaillot <>

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