Hi Rohit,

Rohit Saini napsal(a):
Hi Team,

Similar to pcs alerts, do we have something similar for qdevice/qnetd? This

You mean pacemaker alerts right?

is to detect asynchronously if any of the member is unreachable/joined/left
and if that member is qdevice or qnetd.

Nope but actually shouldn't be that hard to implement. What exactly would you like to see there?

Same above question for booth nodes and arbitrator. Is there any way to
receive events from booth daemon?

Not directly (again, shouldn't be that hard to implement). But pacemaker alerts should be triggered when service changes state because of ticket grant/reject, isn't it?

My main objective is to see if these daemons give events related to
their internal state transitions  and raise some alarms accordingly. For
example, boothd arbitrator is unreachable, ticket moved from x to y, etc.

I don't think "boothd arbitrator is unreachable" alert is really doable. Ticket moved from x to y would be probably two alerts - 1. ticket rejected on X and 2. granted on Y.

Would you mind to elaborate a bit more on events you would like to see and potentially open issue for upstream project (or, if you have a RH subscription try to contact GSS, so I get more time to work on this issue).



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