
btw, is sbd is now able to handle cib diffs internally?
Last time I tried to use it with frequently changing CIB, it became a
CPU hog - it requested full CIB copy on every change.

Fri, 21/08/2020 в 13:16 -0500, Ken Gaillot wrote:
> Hi all,
> Looking ahead to the Pacemaker 2.0.5 release expected toward the end of
> this year, we will have improvements of interest to anyone running
> clusters with sbd.
> Previously at start-up, if sbd was blocked from contacting Pacemaker's
> CIB in a way that looked like pacemaker wasn't running (SELinux being a
> good example), pacemaker would run resources without protection from
> sbd. Now, if sbd is running, pacemaker will wait until sbd contacts it
> before it will start any resources, so the cluster is protected in this
> situation.
> Additionally, sbd will now periodically contact the main pacemaker
> daemon for a status report. Currently, this is just an immediate
> response, but it ensures that the main pacemaker daemon is responsive
> to IPC requests. This is a bit more assurance that pacemaker is not
> only running, but functioning properly. In future versions, we will
> have even more in-depth health checks as part of this feature.
> Previously at shutdown, sbd determined a clean pacemaker shutdown by
> checking whether any resources were running at shutdown. This would
> lead to sbd fencing if pacemaker shut down in maintenance mode with
> resources active. Now, sbd will determine clean shutdowns as part of
> the status report described above, avoiding that situation.
> These behaviors will be controlled by a new option in
> /etc/sysconfig/sbd or /etc/default/sbd, SBD_SYNC_RESOURCE_STARTUP. This
> defaults to "no" for backward compatibility when a newer sbd is used
> with an older pacemaker or vice versa. Distributions may change the
> value to "yes" since they can ensure both sbd and pacemaker versions
> support it; users who build their own installations can set it
> themselves if both versions support it.

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