
Thanks for sharing.

I had a very quick glance at your project. I wonder if you were aware of some
existing projects/scripts that would have save you a lot of time. Or maybe you
know them but they did not fit your needs? Here are some pointers:

# PAF vagrant files

  PAF repository have 3 different Vagrant files able to build 3 different kind
  of clusters using libvirt.
  I'm sure you can use Vagrant with Virtualbox for your needs.

  for a demo:


  Cluster Test Suite is provided with pacemaker to run some pre-defined failure
  scenario against any kind of pacemaker-based cluster. I use it for basic
  tests with PAF and wrote some doc about how to run it from one of the Vagrant
  environment provided in PAF repo.


# ra-tester:

  Damien Ciabrini from RH give a talk about ra-tester, which seems to extends
  CTS with customs test, but I hadn't time to give it a look yet. Slides are
  available here:

Now, in regard with your multi-site clusters and how you deal with it using
quorum, did you read the chapter about the Cluster Ticket Registry in Pacemaker
doc ? See:


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