On 9/23/2020 6:02 PM, Michael Ivanov wrote:
Hallo Gang,

Thanks for the directions. I have read through the docs you pointed to and yes o2cb is not mentioned at all. Does it mean ocfs2 can work without o2cb at all now?

Before I had to define an ocfs2-specific cluster
in /etc/ocfs2/cluster.conf and specify the name of this cluster when creating ocfs2 file system. Should I understand that current ocfs2 implementation does not need this when configured under pacemaker?
Yes. You need not to do that, if you use pacemaker to setup a cluster.
You should refer to SUSE HA doc for how to setup pacemaker/corosync cluster stack.
Then, add dlm resource clone, and add ocfs2 resource clone.


Best regards,

On 23.09.2020 10:11, Gang He wrote:
Hello Michael,

ocfs2:o2cb resource is provided by resource-agents on SELS 11.x series.
For the new SLES series(e.g. 12 or 15), there is not o2cb resource agent in resource-agent rpm, since this resource is not needed. You can refer to new SUSE HA guide for how to setup ocfs2 on pacemaker cluster.


On 9/23/2020 5:26 AM, Michael Ivanov wrote:

I am trying to get ocfs2 running under pacemaker. The description I found at https://wiki.clusterlabs.org/wiki/Dual_Primary_DRBD_+_OCFS2#The_o2cb_Service
refers to ocf:ocfs2:o2cb resource. But I cannot find it anywhere.

I'm building the cluster using debian/testing (pacemaker 2.0.4, ocfs-tools 1.8.6)

Best regards,

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