On Tue, 2022-03-08 at 10:24 +0200, Viet Nguyen wrote:
> Hi,
> May I know is there any API like REST or SOAP or some kind of Java
> libraries to interact with Pacemaker?
> I have a Java application and I would like to use that to monitor
> Pacemaker. Like viewing the resource statuses; and managing resources
> and nodes like move resources or stop a node from that Java app, if
> possible.
> Thank you so much for your help?
> Regards,
> Viet


There is no REST/SOAP API, but there is a high-level C API being
developed that will make it much easier to create such things. The C
API will eventually have C function equivalents of all command-line
tool options, producing XML output that is the same as if the command
were run with --output-as=xml.

The equivalents of a few commands are already available, including
crm_simulate and crmadmin, and crm_mon will be added with the next

In the meantime, most people just execute the command-line tools
directly from their code.
Ken Gaillot <kgail...@redhat.com>

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