On 13.04.2023 22:24, Andrei Borzenkov wrote:

order drbd_vm_after_drbd_fs Mandatory: ms-drbd_fs:promote drbd_vm:start

After I added it back I get the same failed "demote" action.

Transition Summary:
    * Stop       zfs_drbd_storage:0     (        ha1 )  due to node
    * Stop       drbd_fs:0              ( Master ha1 )  due to node
    * Migrate    just_vm                ( ha1 -> ha2 )
    * Move       drbd_vm                ( ha1 -> ha2 )  due to unrunnable
ms-drbd_fs demote

I was sure that "start" is default anyway.

Scratch it. The default is the value of "first-action" so with "start" it ordered two "promote" actions which does nothing. So we are back at square one - if there is ordering constraint against master/slave.
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