Ahh, thanks Andrew, that worked. But I have another question.

Say I have this in the context:

 <some-tag>some content</some-tag>
   <alert-message>Some text here</alert-message>

If I use <session:getxml context="temporary" path="/data/alert-messages"/> then I just get:

<alert-message>Some text here</alert-message>

So my question is how can I, with the above example context, get the whole <alert-messages> section, not just the contents of this tag?

Thanks again,


From: Andrew Timberlake <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: session:getxml not working
Date: Fri, 22 Aug 2003 09:56:27 +0200


I doesn't store the authentication node, it stores the contents thereof so instead of using <session:getxml context="temporary" path="/authentication/data/alert-messages"/>
use <session:getxml context="temporary" path="/data/alert-messages"/>

Secondly, the URI namespace is http://apache.org/cocoon/session/1.0 which I got from SessionConstants.java

This all works for me on CVS HEAD as of this morning.

Hope this helps


Sonny Sukumar wrote:

Hi guys,

I must be missing something, but my session:getxml tag isn't getting transformed:

<session:getxml context="temporary" path="/authentication/data/alert-messages"/>

This tag is embedded into an XML document which is produced afer a log-in attempt fails. I also tried 'path="/"' but that didn't get transformed either. The namespace I'm using is:


I also tried ".../1.0" but no luck. I'm using the new Cocoon 2.1. And I have a '<map:transform type="session"/>' in my sitemap right after that XML doc is produced. Yet somehow it doesn't get transformed.

If the "temporary" context doesn't exist, would the tag be ignored? Or would it be transformed into an empty string (i.e. "")? This is important, as the same XML doc is produced when logging in for the first time as well, and that tag should just get wiped out.

Does anybody have any insight into this?



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