Hi Ugo,

Thanks for your help.

Ugo Cei wrote:

>> We attempted to control the tab selection of a tab group
>> as follows:
>Binding is made against the form model, not the data passed to the
>view as the value of the bizData argument.
>   form.getWidget("tabState").value = 2;
>if you want to set it programmatically.

Yes, we need to set it programmatically so we can keep the tab
state when returning from another page.  Using your idea we still

    <wi:styling type = "tabs"/>
            <wt:widget id="tab-state"/>
But now, our bindings no longer include a tab-state binding. 
Instead, per your idea, the flow does:

    var tabState = new java.lang.Integer(2); // for testing
    form.getWidget("tab-state".value = tabState;

Still, this has no effect on the selected tab.  Should it work? 
Moreover, isn't your method just another way to do a binding and
therefore more or less the same as what we were originally doing?

Thanks again for your time,


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