To send:  cocoon.sendPage("mypipeline", {} );
I think the function expects a biz data (bean)  to be delivered (thus two parameters, not one), so just give {}.
To redirect: cocoon.redirectTo("mypipeline");
Kind Regards,
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Wednesday, April 21, 2004 2:31 AM
Subject: redirect problem with flowscript : No pipeline matched request: safe_user_area

i have a flowscript funtion which does the following:

var user = null;
var newUser = new User();
var msg = "";

function login() {

while (user == null) {

cocoon.sendPageAndWait("login.jx", {"msg":msg});
try {
user = newUser.getUser(cocoon.request.get("username"), cocoon.request.get("password") );
msg = "The username password combination you entered does not exist. Please retry.";


So, when a user has been accepted at login redirect them to safe_user_area. I have tried cocoon.redirect(uri) but keep getting an error which says that the redirect function does not exist, when it does! When am I being told that a map pattern which exists, doesn't????

<map:match pattern="safe_user_area">
<map:aggregate element="home">
<map:part src=""/>
<map:part src=""/>
<map:part src=""/>
<map:part src=""/>

<map:transform type="xslt" src=""/>
<map:call resource="serialize"/>


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