Sarah Haff wrote:

> I have XSLT that does XML -> XML transformation. I
> want to include a doctype declaration in the output so
> my XSLT starts with:
> <xsl:output method="xml"
> doctype-system="";
> doctype-public="-//OASIS//DTD DocBook XML//EN"
> omit-xml-declaration="no"/>
> However output that cocoon produces does not include
> the DocType Declaration. Any ideas and/or suggestions?

Yes ... I suggest you check your email and read my reply to your earlier question :-)

As far as I know you just can't do this with XSLT in Cocoon - you must configure a 
serializer in your Cocoon sitemap - take a look. If you use <xsl:output> in your XSLT 
it will be ignored. 



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