Brent Johnson wrote:

> I've already got it reading the request and running an XSL
> transformation as a test and it works great!  The next step though..
> which I'm sure will be a pain.. is trying to figure out how I can run
> some arbitrary Java code to attempt to process this request.
> For example.. I want a single SOAP URL to process all incoming
> requests.. the results of that request will depend on what sort of
> "action type" the request has (i.e. an action type of "login" with
> credentials).
> I mean.. I could probably do this action test in the sitemap and use
> different XSL transformers depending on the action.. but I think it
> may get a little more complicated than that so I'll need to be able to
> run some Java code to handle the processing.

Try inserting a JXTemplateTransformer transformation into your pipeline. This is an 
easy way to define a transformation that calls Java methods. 

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