Hi Nick. Your sample XML looks good to me (though don't you also need the topic map 
namespace "http://www.topicMaps.org/xtm/1.0/";?)

The xlink ns prefix is there so there's no good reason for the update to fail. A 
namespace declared on the root element is in scope throughout the document. This looks 
to me like a bug in the update transformer, because it shouldn't matter where those 
namespaces are declared, so long as they are in scope when the ns prefix is actually 
used. But as a workaround, the ns appears on the root element of the xml document 
presumably because you declared it on the root element of your XSL stylesheet. If you 
move the ns declaration onto the topicRef and resourceRef elements themselves, then 
they will probably appear there in your final output too. Maybe that will help.



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