You need to set the complete jexl expression in the curly braces , and if working with strings, I prefer .equals():

<jx:when test="${value1.equals('1') and not(value2.equals('2'))}/>

use and/or/not as operators (more on this at:

Kind Regards,

oceatoon wrote:

pguillard wrote:


Basic question but i can't find the answer: how to write a more complex
test condition in JXT exprerssion

           <jx:when test="${value1=='1'} and ${value2=='2'}">
           or  <jx:when test="${value1=='1'} &amp;&amp; ${value2=='2'}">
           or <jx:when test="${value1=='1' &amp;&amp; value2=='2'}">


This might simply be a syntax problem Phil, once you're in a ${} you can
manipulate all jx variable from the context
I haven't tried this but don't see why it wouldn't run <jx:choose>
<jx:when test="${(value1=='1' &amp;&amp; value2=='2') || (value1=='1' and
$value2=='2')} ">


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