First thing you need to do is check your version of Form.js. It should be something like


but may vary at the end with "v2/Form.js or "v3/Form.js".

If you're using v2, then you're definitely in trouble, as this version doesn't support passing of a bizdata object. Otherwise you can pass a bizdata as you would when using cocoon.sendPage():

var bizdata = { "username" : };
formSuccess.showForm("registration-display-pipeline", bizdata);

then use it in your template with eg jexl: ${username}

In the future, v2 and v3 will likely be dropped. Hopefully they do pass some functionality to "v1" when this happens.

Kind Regards,

angeloimm wrote:
Hi... yes i have read this sample; in the flow.script there is:


function registration() {
    var form = new Form("forms/registration.xml");

    // The showForm function will keep redisplaying the form until
    // everything is valid

    var model = form.getModel();
    var bizdata = { "username" : }
    cocoon.sendPage("registration-success-pipeline.jx", bizdata);

As you can see it send to registration-success-pipeline.jx the bizData 
object.... but this is done by using cocoon.sendPage; now i'ld like to do a 
similar thing but by using showForm and not sendPage.... this is what mi chief 
wants so i have thinked to do for example:
function registration() {
    var form = new Form("forms/registration.xml");

    // The showForm function will keep redisplaying the form until
    // everything is valid

    var model = form.getModel();
    var bizdata = { "username" : };
    cocoon.request.setAttribute( "myBizData", bizData );

    var formSuccess = new Form("forms/registration.xml");

The problem is that in the jx file i'm not able to recover this attribute... 
how can i do?

---------- Initial Header -----------

From : "Jon Evans" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Cc : Date : Fri, 17 Dec 2004 14:04:08 +0000
Subject : Re: Request parameters form flow script to jx


On 17 Dec 2004, at 13:46, angeloimm wrote:

Hi... first of all thanks for your reply. Now... have you ever tried it? I have tried and i have an error that says: function expected instead of an Object so i can't go on this way..... can you send a working sample?

Take a look at the registration sample http://localhost:8888/samples/blocks/forms/registration

It uses flow, and has a jx result page which displays your username with:

Registration was successful for ${username}!



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