Hi all,

Does anybody has a plan for making the portal menus /tabs i18n?
I understand they are prepared at beginning of portal creation by the respective renderers tab/linktab etc... As the profile/layout/portal.xml file is prepared once i see 4 solutions:
1- a portal instance for each language
(I think i loose the flexibiulity of i18n support)
2- as many layouts as languages and a profile for each language
(I'm worried about the anonymous case)
3- do an i18n transformation on the main portal pipeline after the portal-page.xsl XSL transformation
(I'm worried it would slow down performance to parse all portal pages again)
4- do the menus myself inside coplets
(then i think i can't access the parameters made disponible by the renderer and disponible in tab.xsl/limktab.xsl, for instance "named-item" , and i have to do by myself something less flexible than the one already done in the portal.
One positive thing : in cachingURI coplets, i would have cache)

And i wonder about page-labels.

Anybody any idea?


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