So everything's fine but the scripttags? They are not appearing in the html 

A few things to check:
- it's possible that the xsl matcher doesn't match the correct namespace. If nothing is appearing between the head section, try to add the namespace in the forms stylesheet template(look in eg. forms-advanced-field-styling.xsl, add the xhtml namespace to the stylesheet (xmlns:xhtml=...) and use this in the element tag of the head matcher: match="xhtml:head")or remove your own namespace.

- you are serializing to xhtml, but it's very likely that you are sending xhtml that is viewed as html by browsers (real xhtml isn't supported by IE, read this thread: ). Html is expecting endtags for scripts as wel as textareas, so if you result in <script/> tags (which is fine for xhtml and xml), browsers may still choke on this.

Kind Regards,

Michel Erard wrote:

thanks for your mail.

it works now a bit better, but not yet perfect :-( In the sitemap I use this:

<map:transform type="forms" />
<map:transform type="xalan" src="stylesheets/layout.xsl" /> <map:transform type="xalan" src="resources/forms-samples-styling.xsl" /> <map:serialize type="xhtml" />

instead of the version in the block example (Multipage forms)

<!-- this will later become a virtual transformer -->
<map:resource name="simple-page2html">
<map:transform src="stylesheets/simple-page2html.xsl">
<map:parameter name="contextPath" value="{request:contextPath}"/>
<map:parameter name="servletPath" value="{request:servletPath}"/>
<map:parameter name="sitemapURI" value="{request:sitemapURI}"/>
<map:parameter name="file" value="{file}"/>
<map:parameter name="remove" value="{../0}"/>
</map:transform> </map:resource>

<map:call resource="simple-page2html">
   <map:parameter name="file" value="forms/multipage_template.xml"/>
<map:transform src="stylesheets/forms-samples-styling.xsl"/>

The layout of my page is now correct and the functionality is more or less 
correct. The form works fine but the js tags for the advanced fields are 

Best regards,


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