footh wrote:

I read about flow before and in fact I intended ot use
it once I got this supposedly "basic" part of the site

Anyway, I re-read the documentation and I can't seem
to find out how it would help the situation described
below.  How can I use flow logic combine 5 pages that
require dynamic processing into one page?

There are several ways to do this. Take a look at the docs for: aggregating (sitemap element), cinclude or xinclude (transformers).

I'll give a small example:
- Let each request go through one sitemap matcher
- This matcher has either an aggregate:
   <map:aggregate ... maybe defining a new surrouning parent element
      <map:part.... here your different parts (menu/content/sidebars...)

  or read in a template page and use includes:
<map:generate src="template.xml"/> (template contains include tags for each different part) <map:transform type="cinclude"/> (this step reads the include tags and calls the different pipes to include)

- each part for menu/sidebars/... can be processed by separate matchers in an internal-only pipeline

- each matcher can contain its own flowscript functions if needed(thus program/call anything you like), or you can produce general information in your template sitemap matcher (eg by action , own component or again flowscript, doesn't matter) and set these in your session or context so it's available within the different parts.

- the template matcher will then contain all the information and you can style this to any outputtype you want (probably just plain html). Just remember to leave your html styling and javascript in different files and include these.

When creating your own generator/components remember to make these reusable and that there is already a lot of funcionality available.

Kind regards,

--- Ralph Goers <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

It sounds like you need to take a look at flowscript
or javaflow.

footh wrote:

I'm converting my site from pure JSP to Cocoon.

I've read lots of tutorials on Cocoon and I've come
really close to getting the site to work the way I
want but I've hit a few snags.

Basically, the site has a header, footer and two
sidebars with content in the middle.  In JSP, I
just have includes on every page for the header,
footer, etc.  However, in Cocoon, I was hoping I
have one "template" page that decided the layout.

I was able to create this model, mainly using this
I created an XSL stylesheet for the header, footer,
and two sidebars, along with associated XML content
files and imported those into a "main" stylesheet. Then, in the main stylesheet, I apply the templates
for the constant parts by using the document
in XSL, for ex:


For the main content on each page, I have separate
files that, for now, are simply a dump of static
and I use the copy-of XSL tag to insert it into the
page.  Later, I'll make these XSP pages and
dynamically generate the content.

Here's where I've hit a couple issues.  The header,
footer and sidebars contain some dynamic content.
example, if a person is logged in, the header will
show something different.  I was able to get around
this by passing in the "remoteUser" parameter to
stylesheet in the pipeline and then using
logic.  But, there's also other logic I will need
process that's a bit more complicated (ex.
on the user's role, etc).  With my current layout,
can't seem to find a way to add logic that can use
Java to these mostly static blocks.

I've tried aggregating, but that doesn't seem to
well with XSP.  Also, I'd like to not use cinclude
since I'd like to avoid including the other
on every page like in JSP.

Might anyone have any suggestions for me out there?

Thanks a ton.


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