
Before getting into detail, I'd like to say that I do agree in principle with 
what you 
said below.

My real issue probably lies in the fact that I have been around computers too 
If I look at archives of my files from the early 90's; when DOS still reigned 
I see names like "birthday.inv" and "new-pc.mem" and "tax91.let".  We had 
WordPerfect back then and I used the file extension to indicate what type of 
document it was.  Both the program and I were happy - and neither had to 
that the file extension indicated what type of _application_ was needed to open 
that file!  The dawn of M$ Windows and its office "sweet", along with long file 
names, led us down the road of "the file extension is reserved by the OS so it 
knows what to do with the file".  Its only now, as I come to Linux, that I 
what a distortion that was.  A name is just a name - the real issue is "what is 
in the 
file?".  Its a bit like meeting someone, who because he is wearing a suit and 
you assume is a manager (in fact, he turns out to be the cleaner on the way to 
his daughters's wedding!).    The unfortunate side-effect of the dominance of 
IE as 
a browser is that it too has inherited this annoyance from its siblings;  this 
the fact that the Internet is the most heterogenous computing environment that 
exists, and its more than likely that a "." in the context of the web means 
quite different from the context of one's OS.

When I look at the suggested syntax for REST-based URLs, the authors seem to 
have the same way of thinking - an example is 
->  which we would assume returns a list of all hotels in Hawaii.   But is this 
different in meaning from mydomain.com/hotels.hawaii.list.all  ->  would anyone 
looking at this (excluding a Windows application) really think they are getting 
strange "all" file?  Are either of these URLs "better" or "more generic" - I 
think not.

The bottom line - I want my "." back - in fact, I want all of them back!


PS The answer to your question of Microsoft Word file is - neither!    The 
URL (poor though it might be) is still a valid one and should be kept.  Ideally 
it should 
also keep delivering the M$ file since that is what the users are expecting.  I 
publish a new URL called:    http://myorg.org/importantdocs/thisweek.xml or, 
perhaps better,  http://myorg.org/importantdocs/thisweek or even  
http://myorg.org/importantdocs/thisweek/xml (if I am going to be all RESTy)  
deliver the new document via this address.   (Of course, I would pursue a 
course persuading my readers to switch to the new address... and yes, in time, 
eventually deprecate the old one in some way).  The point here is that a URL, 
especially a widely accessed one, should be able to remain in place if 
possible, but 
that this has little to do with a supposed "extension" appearing in the name.  

PPS I do agree with pretty much everything in the W3C doc - except for the 
notion that the "." has some special meaning - well, it might to M$, but in the 
context of designing a URI it is neither here or there (see above example for 
the REST service). 

>>> On 2008/10/09 at 12:27, in message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, David Legg <[EMAIL 
>>> PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Please add the reference/link for why URLs in Cocoon should not
> have an extension -   I know its required, but why is it "bad"?

It's not specific to Cocoon.  I only mentioned that because Cocoon's 
sitemap makes it particularly easy to map a URL without an extension to 
some content.

So in general, it is not a good idea to include extensions in a URL if 
you want that URL to be useful for a long time to come.  The extension 
may contain implementation specific details which may not always be 
true.  It's generally considered better to publish a generic URL and 
then let the browser use content negotiation to determine whether it can 
accept that content.  For example, what if your organization regularly 
published an important document as a Microsoft Word file (*.doc) and 
published it on your site with a URL of:


That's great and you would probably bookmark it and everything would be 
fine... until your organization decided to move with the times and 
publish it as a styled xml document.  Now you have a dilemma... do you 
change the url so it contains a .xml extension and risk losing your 
loyal followers (whose bookmarks no longer work) or do you keep the same 
url which ends in .doc but is actually an xml file?

A great resource for all this is the W3C's own Cool URIs [1] page.  
There are a lot of other url advocates out there like this one [2].

I suppose though, if you are talking about downloads this might all be a 
bit academic.  After all if you want to download an executable file the 
chances are it will remain in the same format forever... but you should 
at least spend half a second thinking about the format of the URL you 
expose it with.

David Legg

[1] http://www.w3.org/Provider/Style/URI#remove 
[2] http://blog.welldesignedurls.org/ 

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