
I had hoped comments like these would be added to the blog :)

One other point, you say:

"The attraction of Cocoon as a separate framework has decreased, 
but that's definitely not due to XSLT."

Why do you say Cocoon's attractiveness is decreasing... should we
all be looking around for a new framework to hop onto?

(I'm genuinely curious here, not "trolling", because the older 
frameworks like JSP and Struts still seem to be going strong and
so I'm wondering what it is about Cocoon that is making it :go
out of fashion: )


>>> On 2009/04/24 at 08:40, in message <>, Carsten 
>>> Ziegeler <> wrote:
Derek Hohls wrote:
> At least, according to this article:
> Maybe some of the developers, or other power users here, 
> would like to comment at this blog - I see Cocoon also gets
> a "dig in the ribs" ...
Without commenting on this specific article, my only general
comment is that you'll find articles for specific technologies/projects
and you'll find as many articles against these (I guess the most
famous topic in our area is Maven). Who's is wrong and who's right?
Or more important: is there such an easy answer? I definitly doubt this.
There isn't such a thing as the one programming language that rules the
world or the one framework that makes everyone happy and is the golden

Everyone is free to use what he thinks works best for him.

Ok, coming back to the original topic :) Looking at the past 9 years
where I've been using Cocoon and done a lot of projects with Cocoon and
XSLT, I think it was a great tool by the time. And XSLT helped a lot in
getting up to speed (once you managed the high entrance barrier to
Cocoon itself). There are a lot of use cases still today for XSLT when
it comes to create web sites. It really helps to separate the content
from the layout. But in the end that's a matter how you design your
application. I see a lot of people using other frameworks than Cocoon
and pass the output from that framework to XSLT after the framework has
rendered the content. So I don't think that XSLT itself is dead. The
attraction of Cocoon as a separate framework has decreased, but that's
definitly not due to XSLT.

Carsten Ziegeler 

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