Can anyone point me to a minimal example of configuring a reverse proxy for a single .js URL, where the local server caches the Javascript file and serves it with appropriate headers, like Expires, Last-Modified, Cache-Control, etc., and maybe even a 304 response if the request includes If-Modified-Since?

My use case: I use for privacy-respecting web stats. Plausible discusses the need to proxy their Javascript here:

Here's what I have so far, in my VirtualHost:

    SSLProxyEngine on
    ProxyPass "/api/event" "";
    ProxyPass "/p.js" "";

That's working on my web site, but always serving a fresh copy of the Javascript:

I've read some cookbook articles on reverse proxies and caching with Apache, including:

But I want to proxy and cache only this one location. I've read a lot of the Apache documentation on mod_proxy and mod_cache, but it would take much time to really understand it.

I hope someone here can give me a cookbook example I can learn from!


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