This may not be easy since you have to implement things like watcher
callbacks. What's your main concern with the ZK dependency?



On Thu, Oct 9, 2014 at 8:20 AM, S Ahmed <> wrote:

> Hi,
> I was wondering if the zookeeper library (zkutils.scala etc) was designed
> in a more modular way, would it make it possible to run a more "lean"
> version of kafka?
> The idea is I want to run kafka but with a less emphasis on it being
> durable with failover and more on it being a replacement for a standard
> queue like kestrel.
> This way you could take advantage of how the other aspects of Kafka
> (permanent log, etc etc.)
> I was just thinking if the zookeeper access was wrapped in something like:
> class DiscoverService
>    def electLeader ..
>    def getFollower ...
> (I'm just making those methods up, but you get the point they are simply
> the same calls zkutils etc. will be making to connect to zookeeper)
> Now the idea is, if you don't want to dedicate 3 servers to run zookeeper,
> you could create your own implementation that e.g. returns data based on a
> configuration file that is static and not a discover service like
> zookeeper.
> Would wrapping the zookeper calls into a plugable/swapable service make
> sense and allow you to still use Kakfa at a smaller scale or would this not
> work for other reasons that I am overlooking?

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