Hey there,

I've got the problem that the "__consumer_offsets" topic grows pretty big over 
time. After some digging, I found offsets for consumer groups that were deleted 
a long time ago still being present in the topic. Many of them are offsets for 
console consumers, that have been deleted with "kafka-consumer-groups.sh 
--delete --group ...".

As far as I understand log cleaning, those offsets should have been deleted a 
long time ago, because these consumers are no longer active. When I query 
"kafka-consumer-groups.sh --bootstrap-server ...  --list" I don't see those 
consumers either.

Is there a bug in "kafka-consumer-groups.sh --delete --group ..." that let's 
kafka hang on to those consumer groups?

How can I get the log cleaner to delete these old offsets? Is there another way 
than setting "cleanup.policy" to "delete"?

Thanks for our help!


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