
I upgraded one of my clusters to the new 2.3.0 version of kafka. The problem 
with growing __consumer_offsets topic still persists. Is there anything I have 
to do, to trigger the bugfix for this?

Thanks for your help. Best,

-----Ursprüngliche Nachricht-----
Von: Michael Jaschob <mjasc...@twilio.com.INVALID> 
Gesendet: Dienstag, 14. Mai 2019 19:06
An: users@kafka.apache.org
Betreff: Re: Evergrowing __consumer_offsets topic


This sounds like an issue I and other users have reported recently:
https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/KAFKA-8335. Looks like a fix was merged 


On Tue, May 14, 2019 at 4:44 AM Claudia Wegmann <c.wegm...@kasasi.de> wrote:

> Dear kafka users,
> I run a kafka cluster (version 2.1.1) with 6 brokers to process ~100 
> messages per second with a number of kafka streams apps. There are 
> currently 53 topics with 30 partitions each. I have exactly once 
> processing enabled. My problem is that the __consumer_offsets topic is 
> growing indefinitely. __consumer_offsets topic has the default 50 
> partitions although some of them are not filled yet. Commit interval 
> is also at its default value of 100 ms for exactly once stream 
> processing. All the streams apps are running and processing data continuously.
> I therefore did some digging:
> 1.) I'm not hitting
> https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=https-3A__issues.apache.org
> _jira_browse_KAFKA-2D8335&d=DwIGaQ&c=x_Y1Lz9GyeGp2OvBCa_eow&r=ZHKtfNLX
> dH8j2N1pHGofCpIdHXPkUWyDl-Rljkb5iwQ&m=R10G5xIjmHox-lk9ZVq5M9Pi7FyPqwKb
> eKKOdW_QJG4&s=PI_JjVqslUfx1DP3NrecKuyv_fEwhhBJLWlGyao_7pk&e=
> . I checked the content of the __consumer_offsets topic. The last 
> messages retained are from a week ago and  do not seem to be solely 
> related to transactions.
> 2.) The LogCleaner thread on all brokers is running. According to its 
> logs __consumer_offsets partitions are cleaned up very rarely. E. g. 
> on one of the brokers there are log entries for one partition a day. 
> In the last 7 days on 3 days no cleaning for __consumer_offsets 
> happened at all on this broker even though it holds 25 partitions of 
> __consumer_offsets topic.
> 3.) Even when the rare occasion of cleaning a __consumer_offsets 
> partition happens that just reduced the size of the partition from ~ 16 GB to 
> 13 GB.
> I would have expected more cleaning.
> 4.) The previous to points led to a total of ~ 750 GB disc space being 
> occupied by the __consumer_offsets topic. This considerably slows down 
> broker startup and so on.
> 5.) The cleanup of __transaction_state topic does seem to work smoothly.
> There, each partition is cleaned ~ once per hour and therefore does 
> not grow above ~ 100 MB. In total __transaction_state topic occupies 
> ~8 GB of diskspace.
> 6.) Other topics occupy ~3 GB of disk space. They, too, get cleaned up 
> regularly, no matter the cleanup policy.
> So, the Questions are:
> a) For some streams apps I have a lot of instances running. Does this 
> impact the number of messages in __consumer_offsets topic? From my 
> understanding that should not make a difference because the offsets 
> are stored per consumer group and partition. Is this correct?
> b) How can I assure that the LogCleaner regularly cleans up 
> __consumer_offsets partitions? What is special about this topic in 
> regard to cleanup?
> c) I set the segment.bytes for __consumer_offsets topic to 1 GB. Is 
> the LogCleaner working more efficiently for a lot of smaller files?
> Thanks for your help.
> Best, Claudia

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