Hi William,

>From your description, it sounds like you want the success/failure of
a callback to influence whether that record (and later records) are
present in the topic. Is this correct?
The solution that you posted does actually write a record that has an
erroneous callback, is that desirable, or would you want that record
to also be rejected?

This sounds like a use-case for transactional producers [1] utilizing
Exactly Once delivery. You can start a transaction, emit records, have
them persisted in Kafka, perform some computation afterwards, and then
decide whether to commit or abort the transaction based on the result
of that computation.

There is also a performance penalty to transactional producers, but it
is different from the max.in.flight.requests.per.connection bottleneck
and not directly comparable.
I think you should carefully consider throwing delivery-critical
errors from the callback, as that is not a common workflow. Could
those errors be moved to a different part of the pipeline, such as the
consumer application?

And since you're performance sensitive, please be aware that
performance (availability) nearly always comes at the cost of delivery
guarantees (consistency) [2]. If you're not willing to pay the
performance cost of max.in.flight.requests.per.connection=1, then you
may need to make a compromise on the consistency and find a way to
manage the extra data.

Greg Harris

[2] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/CAP_theorem

On Mon, Mar 11, 2024 at 7:32 AM William Lee <ligaopeng...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi Haruki,
> Thanks for your answer.
> > I still don't get why you need this behavior though
> The reason is I have to ensure message ordering per partition strictly.
> Once there is an exception in the producer callback, it indicates that the
> exception is not a retryable exception(from kafka producer's perspective).
> There must be something wrong, so I have to stop sending records and
> resolve the underlying issue.
> As for the performance problem, I found a kafka wiki which investigated the
> impact of max.in.flight.requests.per.connection: An analysis of the impact
> of max.in.flight.requests.per.connection and acks on Producer performance -
> Apache Kafka - Apache Software Foundation
> <https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/KAFKA/An+analysis+of+the+impact+of+max.in.flight.requests.per.connection+and+acks+on+Producer+performance>
> From the wiki, max.in.flight.requests.per.connection is better set to 2 or
> more.
> By setting max.in.flight.requests.per.connection to 1, I'm concerned that
> this could become a performance bottleneck

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