Forced-smsc is working, just not in the way you think it is ;-) I would agree that the 
way smsc routing is done is very un-intuitive, but after using if for several months I 
must also say that it is much more powerful then it would have been otherwise. 

What is happening, is that forced-smsc sets the smscid for messages received from that 
sendsms-user to always have the specified smscid (setting to default-smsc is the same 
except that user supplied smsc routing can override it). now, when the bearerbox sees 
that smscid it doesnot automaticly delivery the message to the smsc group with that 
id, but instead looks for delivery rules in the configuration, compiles a list of 
smscs that this message is allowed to be sent to, and then chooses one randomly and 
sends to it. 

In order to control to which smsc a message carrying a specific smsc-id, you need to 
set routing rules with your smsc groups, forcing a matching between a specific smsc 
and message carying specific smsc-id, by using the allowed-smsc-id, preferred-smsc-id 
and denied-smsc-id configuration directives. 

For example, to set it so that only messages carrying the smsc-id 'sonera' will be 
sent to the cgw gateway, and that it will be the first choise to route a message with 
that smsc-id to, set your group like this :

group = smsc
smsc = cgw
host = xxx
port = yyy
receive-port = zzz
appname = send
smsc-id = sonera
allowed-smsc-id = sonera
preferred-smsc-id = sonera

note that with this configuration, message containing the smsc-id 'sonera' that are 
received while the 'sonera's connection is down will still be routed to the AT2 modem. 
in order to prevent that - setup allowed-smsc-id rule on the AT2 module too, which 
will specify a different smsc-id.

The important thing to remember here is that smsc-id set in each message (either by 
the caller or by the sendsms configuration) is not the same as the smsc-id set in the 
smsc group configuration, but rather a routing hint for kannel.

I think an answer to that question should go in the FAQ, as it's quite common.

Oded Arbel
m-Wise Inc.
(972)-9-9581711 (ext: 116)

Jim, it's Jack. I'm at the airport. I'm going to Tokyo and wanna pay you the 
five-hundred I owe you. Catch you next year when I get back!
    -- "The Rockford Files"

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Kari Asikainen [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Wednesday, June 05, 2002 9:18 AM
> Subject: forced-smsc not working?
> Hello,
> I have the configured two sms-centers like this in my kannel.conf:
> group = smsc
> smsc = at2
> modemtype = siemens_m20
> device = /dev/ttyS0
> speed = 19200
> sim-buffering = false
> smsc-id = M20
> group = smsc
> smsc = cgw
> host = xxx
> port = yyy
> receive-port = zzz
> appname = send
> smsc-id = sonera
> And I my sendsms-user is configured this way:
> group = sendsms-user
> username = some.user
> password = some.pass
> user-deny-ip = "*.*.*.*"
> user-allow-ip = ""
> forced-smsc = sonera
> And still messages sent by my application are coming from 
> both the CGW and
> AT2 modules. (Every other comes from my AT2 (Siemens M20) and 
> every other
> from the CGW interface (a short number)). This is quite 
> annoying because I'd
> like to keep the M20 around for testing purposes - removing 
> it of course
> makes all messages to appear from the short number. I'm also 
> in a process of
> adding another SMSC (CIMD2) and I'd like to be sure that 
> routing works for
> sendsms-users.
> I have also tried setting the default-smsc -parameter with no 
> luck - kannel
> just complains in log that my configuration contains 
> reduntant information.
> I am quite puzzled about what am I doing wrong or is this a 
> bug? Seems to
> obvious to me. I'm using the 1.1.6 release.
> -Kari A.

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