
You must set two almost identical configurations, except for the port
and receive-port settings, and smsc-id.

For example, if your operator directs you to use port 1234:

#TX Link
smsc-id = myconn-tx
allowed-smsc-id = myconn
port = 1234
receive-port = 0

#RX Link
smsc-id = myconn
allowed-smsc-id = myconn
port = 0
receive-port = 1234

You get the idea, allowed-smsc-id is set to "myconn" in both cases, so
any traffic directed to it will find it's way to the myconn-tx link.

Hope it helps,

Alejandro Guerrieri

On 4/2/07, Diego Helmann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Hi all
I have to connect to one cell operartor that is asking me to make one
connection per shortnumber:

Information for connecting:
(Shortcode 1234)

IP: aaa.bbb.ccc.ddd
Port: 4000
Source: 1234
System ID: uuuu
Password: pppp
System Type: smpp
Source TON: 2
Source NPI: 1
Destination TON: 2
Destination NPI: 1

One bind for Rx, and one bind for Tx.

My conf is like:

group = smsc
smsc = smpp
smsc-id = carrier1
allowed-smsc-id = "carrier1"
host = aaa.bbb.ccc.ddd
port = 4000
receive-port = 4000
smsc-username = "uuuu"
smsc-password = pppp
system-type = "smpp"
reconnect-delay = 10
address-range = ""
connect-allow-ip = aaa.bbb.ccc.ddd
source-addr-ton = 2
source-addr-npi = 1
dest-addr-ton = 2
dest-addr-npi = 1

But, I need to connec for short number 1234 and 5678
1) How can I tell kannel that a connection is for certain short number?
2) What " One bind for Rx, and one bind for Tx." means? That I have to set:
port = 4000
receive-port = 4000

Thanks in advance


Alejandro Guerrieri
LinkedIn: http://www.linkedin.com/in/aguerrieri

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