parse the log :)

OR first emulate the smsc with kermit executing AT commands
according to your kannel modem config.

but real time parsing of the log would be the simple and working solution.

-----Original Message-----
From: Aaron Simmons [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: 09 ??????? 2007 ?.
To: seikath
Subject:automated setup of kannel modem smsc 

> Is there a way to (programmatically) tell whether a modem smsc is  
> successfully communicating with its modem?  e.g., a way to run  
> smsbox, or a function in gwlib?  I would like to have a script detect
> whether the smsc is having problems (can't open port, doesn't detect  
> modem type, having trouble with init-string, etc).

> Thanks,
> aaron

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