Hi George,

Yes thanks Stipe,

Yes you have correctly understood, but its not our end resending, but
its the final SMSc or intermediate SMPP provider.

I was hoping maybe there could be someway to send messages to instruct
either the intermediate SMPP or final SMSc not to retry to send even
when it has not received some ACK from handset.  From what you have
mentioned this is not possible due to strict SMPP spec.

this sounds like a hassle with the SMSC communication layer. Obviously either the final SMSC has issues on the SS7 layer while signaling the SM to the device, or the intermediary SMPP server resends messages to the final SMSC.

In any case, it's out of scope from what we (you and Kannel) can see or change.

So the SMPP servers that we are pushing SMS to are playing up and
resending messages..  too many!!
I guess we can't do anything about it from our end then :(

yep, that's right... all you can do it claim the misbehavior to your SMPP provider. Can you drop me a private note on which one it is?


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