Olivier PELLEGRINO schrieb:
2008-02-05 15:42:28 [20444] [14] DEBUG: [debug perso #1]
msg->sms.alt_dcs: -1, smpp->conn->alt_dcs: 0,
pdu->u.submit_sm.data_coding: 0, SMPP_DEFAULT_CHARSET: UTF-8,
smpp->alt_charset: ISO-8859-1
2008-02-05 15:42:28 [20444] [14] DEBUG: [debug perso #2] if condition
2008-02-05 15:42:28 [20444] [14] DEBUG: [debug perso #3]
msg->sms.alt_dcs: -1, smpp->conn->alt_dcs: 0,
pdu->u.submit_sm.data_coding: 241, SMPP_DEFAULT_CHARSET: UTF-8,
smpp->alt_charset: ISO-8859-1

ok, which proves that the submit_sm.data_coding = 241 is set within the if condition branch, hence via fields_to_dcs(msg, 1);

Please check within gw/sms.c:fields_to_dcs() which if branch set the dcs value accordingly.


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