Hi all

Got it working...my config was fine.

The problem was the USB to serial converter; it didn't do HW flow control. The clue was that I couldn't attach to the MC35i using Minicom with HW flow control on, only off.

However it appears that Kannel expects HW flow control(?) so I jimmied together a serial cable with pins 1,4 and 6 shorted together, and it worked.

Now to play :-)

Thanks for all the suggestions and advice, guys!


Leo McManus wrote:
Had a lot of problems setting up a plane MC35 for data/PPP sessions on a real
commport. Found we needed the following AT commands setting:

ATS18           #Extended error reporting.
AT+IPR=0        #Autobauding on the PC interface
AT\Q3           #Hardware flow control
AT+CBST=0,0,1   #Autobauding on the Air interface
ATD*99***1#     #Dial command

We had a lot of PPP authentication OK reports, but it would immediatly fall out.
The only dial string that worked was the *99***1# all the others fell out.
Suspect that the crucial AT cammands are the CBST and the AT\Q3.

Hope this helps.


+32 495 503814
"In a study, scientists report that drinking beer can be
good for your liver. I'm sorry, did I say 'scientists'?
I meant Irish people."

Message: 1
Date: Thu, 07 Feb 2008 13:19:06 +0200
From: Peter Salvage <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: users@kannel.org
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1; format=flowed

Hi all

I've tried searching the archives and found lots of useful info but I'm
not having success.

I'm running 1.4.0 on Debian

Here's part of my kannel.conf:

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