2009/1/9 Pham Ngoc Khanh <pnk...@yahoo.com>:
> group = sms-service
> keyword = mibento
> get-url = 
> "http://localhost:13013/cgi-bin/sendsms?username=user&password=user&from=%p&to=%P&text=%S&smsc=nokia";
> max-messages = 1
> accepted-smsc = smpp

Change get-url param to place where Your SMS should go (Your
webservice or even simple hello.html file). In response You will
receive message with content coming from that URL.

> The problem is that after Kannel sent message to client it then sends the 
> message "0: Accepted for delivery" to client as well. I read somewhere on th 
> internet that set: max-messages=0 will prevent sending reply message. But if 
> I do that, Kannel does not send any message to client.
> So could someone tell me what i was wrong, and help me out?

I hope it helps a bit.


Marcin Boćkowski
:-D :-)

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