Hi All

I read the following in the user guide regarding validity period

*Optional. If given, Kannel will*
*inform SMS Center that it should*
*only try to send the message for*
*this many minutes. If the*
*destination mobile is off other*
*situation that it cannot receive*
*the sms, the smsc discards the*
*message. Note: you must have*
*your Kannel box time*
*synchronized with the SMS*
Why is it important to have the time synchronized with the SMSC? If for
example I have a message that is sent at 10:00 and I do not want the
receiver to get it past 17:00 then surely I would set the validity flag to
420 (60min * 7 hours)? Looking at the SMPP spec it says that the
validity_period can be specified in either absolute or relative terms. Which
does Kannel do? Also it seems looking at the encoding of the datetime type
it seems that it can specify the difference between local time and UTC.

I am not sure where this leaves me. What is the practice here? Does Kannel
send in local time and give the difference between UTC? Should I setup the
server to use UTC rather or will Kannel take care of all of this for me? Or
is my original thought correct and Kannel will just send the validity period
forward in relative terms i.e. valid for 420 minutes after you receive this
message? Appreciate any guidance that you can give me?


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