Use forced-smsc in group=sendsms-user

Sent from Samsung Mobile

-------- Original message --------
Date:12/11/2013 11:09 PM (GMT+05:00)
To: "Porter, Kelvin"
Subject: Re: SMSC-ID routing based on to/from on SMSBox?

I used it long time ago. Cannot recall how exactly I did that. But you need 
some sort of REGEX combination to route SMS to certain SMSCs, and then putting 
allowed/denied parameters in place as well.

On Tue, Nov 12, 2013 at 11:01 PM, Porter, Kelvin 
<<>> wrote:

I did some looking and it appears that I might be able to accomplish what I 
want using allowed- and/or denied-prefix.  The description is a bit ambiguous 
though, these variables determines whether a SMS message can be “sent through”. 
 The routing is unclear as to whether the prefix filtering is being applied to 
the sender or the receiver.  I could look at the code, but does anyone know 
off-hand which number is being filtered?

Thank you for the pointer.


Kelvin R. Porter

Sent: Tuesday, November 12, 2013 11:27 AM

To: Porter, Kelvin
Subject: Re: SMSC-ID routing based on to/from on SMSBox?

Have you tried allowed-smsc-id and denied-smsc-id parameters in group=smsc?

On Tue, Nov 12, 2013 at 10:10 PM, Porter, Kelvin 
<<>> wrote:

The scenario is the following…

I have customers that are sending HTTP requests to the SMSBox instance to 
initiate the sending of MT messages.  Depending on the intended destination of 
those messages (i.e., the to/receiver number),  I need to direct the message to 
one set of SMSC links or the other in the BearerBox.  The application 
performing the HTTP requests does not have any way of determining the set of 
numbers that need to go to a particular SMSC.  So, I am looking for a way to 
configure the SMSBox so that the SMSC is specified for certain MT destinations.

In the opensmppbox, I would use the smsc-route option to set which SMSC was 
specified before it was sent to the bearerbox.  I am looking for equivalent 
functionality.  Have I overlooked something or is the functionality, not there?

Thank you.


Kelvin R. Porter

Sent: Tuesday, November 12, 2013 10:48 AM
To: Porter, Kelvin
Subject: Re: SMSC-ID routing based on to/from on SMSBox?

Can you explain your scenario with an example please? Would be easier to 
understand what you need.

On Mon, Nov 11, 2013 at 11:56 PM, Porter, Kelvin 
<<>> wrote:

I am writing to insure that I have not overlooked an option.  In my 
application, I have a need to specify SMSC based on where the message is being 
sent to (the users will not specify the smsc in the HTTP request).  Basically, 
I need to insure some MT destinations are treated differently that the others, 
independent of what is specified in the request.  I have looked at the source 
and it does not appear that this functionality is implemented.  Have I missed 

I am looking for something akin to the “smsc-route” option in the opensmppbox.  
I may attempt to splice in this code from the opensmppbox, if I must.  Is there 
any interest in this functionality?


Kelvin R. Porter

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