
I am using kannel with a USB GSM modem. Following line is consistently
appearing in the logs:

2014-10-01 18:34:19 [20409] [6] DEBUG: AT2[mobile]: <--

Does this mean the modem is rebooting? Any reason someone knows of? Also,
how to get rid of it?

Please note that I am also able to send/receive SMS from the modem
successfully. Just that when this command comes, the modem suspends
activity till 30 seconds or so.

My modem-related config:

group = smsc
smsc = at
smsc-id = mobile
modemtype = auto
device = /dev/ttyUSB0
speed = 0
keepalive = 60
my-number = +XXXXXXXXX
sim-buffering = true

group = modems
id = generic
name = "Generic modem"
message-start = 0
#detect-string = "huawei"
init-string = "AT+CNMI=2,1,0,0,0"
message-storage = "SM"
#enable-hwhs = "AT+IFC=2,2"


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