look for coding parameter in user manual and charset.

typically for ucs-2 you need coding=2 and charset=utf-8

2015-11-09 16:08 GMT+03:00 Horváth Szabolcs <horvath.szabo...@t-systems.hu>:

> Hello!
> I’m migrating from Ozeki to Kannel and we’re facing a problem that it
> looks like Kannel can’t do character translation on-the-fly.
> Ozeki has a function: character set selection policy (
> *http://ozekisms.com/index.php?owpn=612*
> <http://ozekisms.com/index.php?owpn=612>): enforce, where „character
> substitutions and character losses are allowed”.
> Our client applications (which used Ozeki and will use Kannel in the
> future) are heavily depend on Ozeki’s character translation, which means
> they send the text messages with hungarian accents (á é í, and so on) and
> Ozeki is expected to convert these characters to GSM 7 bit.
> It does its best:
> - Hungarian test sentence would be „ÁRVÍZTŰRŐ TÜKÖRFÚRÓGÉP öt szép
> szűzlány őrült írót nyúz” (which makes no sense in English, in Hungarian is
> a bit funny and it contains all the special characters we need)
> - Ozeki translates like this:
> We’d like to avoid multiply SMS charges with UCS-2 encoding (with UCS-2 I
> can send 40-70 characters, compared to GSM 7 bit 160 characters) and it is
> acceptable to convert these characters into GSM 7 bit acceptable characters.
> I spent several hours reading manuals, source code and looking for answer
> in mailing lists but it was no success.
> The closest I have found is „mo-recode = true” but it looks like it
> doesn’t do any recoding.
> Is there a possibility to convert these characters inside Kannel? Which
> kannel.conf or sendsms cgi parameter will help for us?
> 1.4.3 at the moment, but I’m open to any solution.
> Any help would be highly appreciated.
> Thanks in advance,
>   Szabolcs Horvath

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