store-type = spool
store-location = "/tmp/kannel-spool/"

put these 2 lines below group = core in /etc/kannel/kannel.conf

do you use for dlr MySQL as well?

worth adding index on dlr table as well: KEY `smsc_ts` (`smsc`,`ts`)

ALTER table dlr add index `smsc_ts` (`smsc`,`ts`);

2015-12-15 13:43 GMT+03:00 spameden <>:

> Yes.
> The only thing that comes to my mind is to use kannel-store = spool and
> move your spool store to /tmp dir, this way queue will be in multiple files
> instead of the single file and in RAM, I found this way it's very fast.
> Let me know if it helps.
> If you want to preserve queue (in case of hard reset or something) you can
> rsync it's contents every 2 minutes or so in some permanent directory.
> 2015-12-15 12:56 GMT+03:00 Grant Saicom <>:
>> Haven’t really found my answer yet, but I have another question along
>> this line of thought.
>> I see the queue in sqlbox rises quite high, but the queue in the smpp
>> connector to the smsc barely goes above 0.
>> Is there a way to control.modify the flow of messages from sqlbox to the
>> smpp queue?
>> Architecturally, is this correct in terms of the flow of messages:
>> sqlbox queue -> bearerbox sms store-> smpp queue
>> Regards
>> Grant
>> On 09 Dec 2015, at 11:56, spameden <> wrote:
>> 2015-12-09 12:43 GMT+03:00 Grant Saicom <>:
>>> We process the sent_sms into another table on they fly. Maximum size the
>>> sent_sms table gets is maybe 40k tops but mostly it averages around 10K. We
>>> see this once 1 week maybe.
>>> I have really made every attempt to remove any bottlenecks in terms
>>> unwieldy database sizes to allow kannel to work in a favourable environment.
>>> Is there reason to add multiple sqlboxes to feed bearer box?
>>> Is there maybe a concurrency setting I can do for bearer box to receive
>>> the messages? I did not come across documentation aside from email posts
>>> with respect to the limit-per-cycle setting.
>>> I have another question, would we be able to get faster performance if
>>> we went flat file for the kannel operations?
>> Well you can exclude bottlenecks by simply testing same setup with
>> fakesmsc daemon and see if speed will be better.
>> It might be that delay is caused by your SMSC uplinks overall speed and
>> not database.
>> You can also try classic smsbox implementation for sending instead of
>> sqlbox. But I think sqlbox is fastest and more convinient way because of DB
>> storage.
>>> Regards
>>> On 08 Dec 2015, at 15:12, spameden <> wrote:
>>> 2015-12-08 12:51 GMT+03:00 Grant Vorenberg <>:
>>>> <saicom-voice-services.gif>
>>>> <>
>>>> Hi
>>>> We manage how big send_sms gets. The queue builder puts in 500 messages
>>>> at a time to a total maximum of 3000 from a larger main queue which can go
>>>> as big as 2M.
>>> 2M is kinda big table, how big is sent_sms? 10-30M ?
>>> I think your issue happens when kannel tries to move from send_sms to
>>> sent_sms table already submitted message this is where it hangs. You can
>>> try testing it yourself with simple query:
>>> INSERT INTO sent_sms SELECT * from send_sms where sql_id=XXXX and
>>> measure time per query.
>>> if it's instant there should be no problem.
>>> Generally it's better to leave sent_sms table at around 1M records not
>>> more, old records you can move to other table daily.
>>>> Actual hardware is a VCenter on blades with plenty ram, cpu and hp
>>>> 3PAR(144GB raid card ram for caching in total) fibre attached storage with
>>>> dedicated SSD specifically for DB. Calculated IOPS are stupidly good.
>>>> The VMs are as follows:
>>>> Queuebuilder: 4 vcpu, 16Gb on SAS
>>>> Kannel: 4 vcpu, 8GB on SAS
>>>> MysqlDB-Master: 8 vcpu, 32GB on SSD
>>>> MysqlDB-Slave: 8 vcpu, 32GB on SSD
>>> MySQL on SSDs should work just fine and you should have big number of
>>> iops. Btw, I recommend to use MariaDB instead of regular MySQL (
>>> it's very fast and reliable, for InnoDB it uses modified
>>> XtraDB engine which has some tweaks.
>>> did you check mysqladmin status to indicate number of queries processed
>>> per second?
>>>> The Load on the MysqlDB-Master averages around 0.4 with max of 0.6
>>>> (single spike). Memory usage hangs around 24GB. I will need to check the
>>>> process list to double check, but we generally don’t see much strain here
>>>> either, but I stand to be corrected.
>>> DB optimasations as follows:
>>>> key_buffer               = 16M
>>>> max_allowed_packet       = 16M
>>> maybe increase a bit max_allowed_packet to 64mb
>>> innodb_buffer_pool_size = 12G
>>> this is fine
>>> query_cache_limit       = 20M
>>>> query_cache_size         = 128M
>>> query_cache in kannel's case doesn't affect much, so it's ok to have it
>>> like that.
>>>> No extra indexes on the send_sms as we limit its size to 3000.
>>> make sure both send_sms and sent_sms tables are InnoDB type.
>>>> All reporting is done on the slaveDB, so no extra strain on monitoring
>>>> and reporting.
>>> under 'reporting' do you mean your dlr_url is called to external script
>>> which is connected to slaveDB?
>>>> Historically, we have queued at the SMPP connector and not at the
>>>> smsbox. We generally reached a top (AVG) speed of 73 msg/s but when I see
>>>> the smsbox queued figure rise and the internal smpp queue drop to 0, we
>>>> only hit half of this speed.
>>>> I did not see the limit-per-cycle setting in the sqlbox documentation
>>>> (2011). I also checked the code and saw that the select limit was a
>>>> variable instead of hard-limited.
>>> Yeah, it was introduced some time ago alongside with other optimisations
>>> (year ago or so, can't remember now), I think it should be in new
>>> documentation. However, you need to build documentation to get more recent
>>> version of it.
>>>> Regards
>>>> G
>>>> On 08 Dec 2015, at 10:52, spameden <> wrote:
>>>> Grant Vorenberg
>>>> Technical Manager
>>>> Office  0861 SAICOM (724 266) Direct  010 140 5012 Support  010 140
>>>> 5050 Cell  - Fax  010 140 5001 Email Visit
>>>> our website
>>>> <logo-image.png> <>
>>>> 2015-12-08 11:23 GMT+03:00 Grant Vorenberg <>:
>>>>> <saicom-now-offers-cloud-pbx.gif>
>>>>> <>
>>>>> Here is my config:
>>>>> group = sqlbox
>>>>> id = sqlbox-db
>>>>> smsbox-id = sqlbox
>>>>> #global-sender = ""
>>>>> bearerbox-host = localhost
>>>>> bearerbox-port = 13001
>>>>> smsbox-port = 13005
>>>>> smsbox-port-ssl = false
>>>>> sql-log-table = sent_sms
>>>>> sql-insert-table = send_sms
>>>>> log-file = "/var/log/kannel/kannel-sqlbox.log"
>>>>> log-level = 0
>>>>> #sqlbox optimisation GAV 20151207
>>>>> limit-per-cycle = 100
>>>> Try monitoring your database workload.
>>>> Is send_sms table is big?
>>>>> On 07 Dec 2015, at 15:06, spameden <> wrote:
>>>>> Grant Vorenberg
>>>>> Technical Manager
>>>>> Office   0861 SAICOM (724 266) Direct   010 140 5012 Support   010
>>>>> 140 5050 Cell   - Fax   010 140 5001 Email Visit
>>>>> our website
>>>>> <logo-image.png> <>
>>>>> 2015-12-07 14:03 GMT+03:00 Grant Vorenberg <>:
>>>>>> <saicom-now-offers-cloud-pbx.gif>
>>>>>> <>
>>>>>> Hi Guys
>>>>>> I am a new to the list subscription and am looking for a little
>>>>>> clarity on the SQLBOX.
>>>>>> I have a Debian Wheezy box running:
>>>>>> Kannel sqlbox version 1.4.4
>>>>>> Libxml version 2.7.2
>>>>>> MySQL 5.5.43
>>>>>> The front end is custom and drops message into the send_sms table.
>>>>>> These messages are terminated via smpp to another system of ours. We
>>>>>> process and clean out the sent_sms table.
>>>>>> I gather stats on the performance of the system using the status
>>>>>> page: http://localhost:13000/status
>>>>>> I am trying to understand the following output from the screen:
>>>>>> Box connections:
>>>>>>        smsbox:sqlbox, IP (2532 queued), (on-line 0d 2h 48m
>>>>>> 19s)
>>>>> This means there is a queue on sqlbox.
>>>>> Queue works like this:
>>>>> First sqlbox gets messages from DB backend, then it adds messages to
>>>>> own queue, then it sends message into bearerbox queue and bearerbox splits
>>>>> this queue over your connected SMSC/upstream operators.
>>>>> So if there is a huge queue on sqlbox it means there is a big amount
>>>>> of MTs in your send_sms table and sqlbox is still submitting those to
>>>>> bearerbox.
>>>>> To optimize sqlbox I'd recommend adding this parameter into sqlbox
>>>>> section (after group = sqlbox):
>>>>> limit-per-cycle = 50 this means sqlbox will get 50 bulk messages from
>>>>> DB per query at once instead of 1.
>>>>>> What I noticed is when our send speeds start dipping on the smpp
>>>>>> connection (internal/default route), this smsbox:sql queue starts 
>>>>>> building
>>>>>> up.
>>>>>> When the smsbox:sqlbox queue starts building up like this:
>>>>>> 1)What causes this?
>>>>>> 2) What does this signify?
>>>>>> We generally don’t see this behaviour very often, but its effect is
>>>>>> detrimental to the performance of the system so I would like to know what
>>>>>> causes the growth and how to combat it so our send speed is safe-guarded.
>>>>>> Here is an excerpt from my config files:
>>>>>> <smsbox conf>:
>>>>>> group = sqlbox
>>>>>> id = sqlbox-db
>>>>>> smsbox-id = sqlbox
>>>>>> #global-sender = ""
>>>>>> bearerbox-host = localhost
>>>>>> bearerbox-port = 13001
>>>>>> smsbox-port = 13005
>>>>>> smsbox-port-ssl = false
>>>>>> sql-log-table = sent_sms
>>>>>> sql-insert-table = send_sms
>>>>>> <kannel.conf>:
>>>>>> group = smsbox
>>>>>> bearerbox-host =
>>>>>> sendsms-port = 13013
>>>>>> global-sender = 13013
>>>>>> smsbox-id=my_smsbox
>>>>>> group=smsbox-route
>>>>>> smsbox-id=sqlbox
>>>>>> smsc-id=internal
>>>>>> Regards
>>>>>> Grant Vorenberg
>>>>>> Technical Manager
>>>>>> Office   0861 SAICOM (724 266) Direct   010 140 5012 Support   010
>>>>>> 140 5050 Cell   - Fax   010 140 5001 Email 
>>>>>> Visit
>>>>>> our website
>>>>>> <logo-image.png> <>

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